The attorneys of Hurt, Deckard & May PLLC have guided administrative agencies as well as private contractors through the KRS Chapter 45A procurement process and have extensive experience in reviewing and evaluating solicitations, advising on bids and proposals, analyzing suspension and disbarment issues and evaluating protests of awarded contracts.
Lawyers of our firm provide strategic advice and counseling at all stages of the government-contractor relationship, from negotiations and sealed-bidding procurement, to advising and managing on-going government contracts, to dispute resolution in all the various forums, at both the federal and state level.
Lawyers of our firm have participated in an official government capacity developing and drafting Requests For Proposals and negotiating contract renewals on behalf of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Phone: (859) 254-0000
E-mail: bmay@hcm-law.com
Phone: (859) 254-0000
E-mail: mkalinyak@hcm-law.com